

In the 10-part series, 10 single girls are matched up, and meet for the first time with a kiss. Before they arrive, the girls are matched based on what they’re looking for in a partner.


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塔城市| 静安区| 冕宁县| 桦甸市| 永州市| 曲周县| 红安县| 葵青区| 纳雍县| 常熟市| 西畴县| 阿勒泰市| 揭东县| 托克托县| 衡东县| 德格县| 台东市| 泉州市| 桦甸市| 浑源县| 前郭尔| 固原市| 桂林市| 胶南市| 平利县| 怀集县| 黑河市| 永宁县| 大兴区| 荣成市| 吴忠市| 伊宁市| 松阳县| 阿拉善左旗| 郎溪县| 微山县| 贡觉县| 芦溪县| 尼玛县| 仙居县| 普宁市|